miércoles, 18 de marzo de 2020

Miércoles 18 Marzo: Teletrabajo Science "Skeletal system"

Hi there! How are you? 

It´s Wednesday, and it´s time for...


Today we will learn many things about our:

  Musculoskeletal System 

1.  Read your notes about this system. It´s the first time, so read carefully, in a relaxed way and trying to understand everything. 

2. Watch the videos.

3. Practice with this digital activity.

4. Study and try to remember your bones and joints for tomorrow ;) 

Let´s start!

1. Read

2. Watch



Bones Song

3. Digital activity. Try as many times as you need to remember your bones.

                                     Learn the Skeletal System 

4. Study 📕  A surprise is coming soon...

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