miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2020

Día 6/05 Proyecto artístico, Música y Joyland

Hoy es día de especialidades, os dejamos las tareas que os proponen las/os diferentes profes. recordad que debéis hacérselas llegar a cada profe correspondiente.

Proyecto artístico


Esta semana hay descanso de tutorial de flauta para aprender sobre el piano.

Mati os deja una ficha resumen y unos enlaces para ello. 

No tenéis que imprimir ni entregar nada, hoy es un día de música para el disfrute. 


Tenéis que ver un vídeo sobre cosas que hacer en un viaje a Londres y después responder a 4 preguntas sobre el mismo. Os dejamos el mensaje de Paul en inglés, para que podáis practicar.

Hi kids,

I hope you are all doing well. This week we are going to take a trip to the capital of England, London. You are going to watch a video that talks about things you can see and do in the capital. I hope you enjoy the activity.

Firstly, you should watch the video (link below) about what to see and do in London. You can slow the video down if you so wish.

Once you have seen the video, please answer the four questions below which are related to it.

1, Which museums do they mention in the video?
2, What is the name of the palace in London where the queen lives?
3, Why is South Bank recommended for children?
4, What is the name of the famous ferris wheel in London?

Write your questions on paper and keep them for next week when I’ll send you the answers. If you have any doubts or problems, please don’t hesitate in contacting me.

Good luck and have a good day.

Take care.

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